My Opinion About Curriculum 2013

Ministry of education and culture of Indonesia already published new curriculum for Indonesia’s education. It called curriculum 2013. Curriculum 2013 use to change the last curriculum KTSP. By variety of reason, curriculum 2013 will be hoped to be able increase Indonesia’s education in this globalization era. From this article I would like to analyze is it really useful to apply curriculum 2013 for education of Indonesia.

Let me start about the changed of KTSP to curriculum 2013. According to the fact, KTSP have a lot of material which is have difficulties beyond for developmental age of the child. This condition had big impact for the students. Students will be more focus to cognitive assessment than a valuable character. That’s why Indonesia’s education have a bad grade about student attitude. Some mass media report that students in Indonesia get involved in bad behavior. Brawl, free sex, drug addiction and dishonest in the exam are some phenomena that occurred in Indonesia’s student. And I think, these are impact from our last education
curriculum. In curriculum 2013, education hoped to be more focus on building character. This is evidenced by reduction some subjects in elementary school. In the first until third years students in elementary school will be oriented on nature, social and culture. So, I believe it will be very useful to make students have a strong and good character for their next future.

Curriculum 2013 also apply thematic integrative system in all subjects. I think it’s a good system. Because some subjects as Indonesian language is supposed to be use in all subjects. It will increase student’s knowledge about Indonesian language. Because actually Indonesian language is an applied science. So, by using Indonesian language in all subject will make student understand what exactly the essential from this subject.

In middle school, information and communication technology will not be a subject anymore but it used to be a tool for all subject. So, it hoped can increase student’s soft skill. I think it’s a brilliant idea because I believe it can make students have a good preparation to continue their study on the next level.

I think curriculum 2013 is a good way to increase the output of our education. But the problem now, do we have a good readiness to use this curriculum? Especially for the teachers. Do they ready?  Because as good as a curriculum will not useful if the teachers were not ready. So I hope government must re-think about to increase teacher’s readiness and also about the facilities on the school.


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